Monday, August 8, 2011

Can I get a raincheck?

Life after college is filled with far too many responsibilities. I miss the days when it was raining too hard for me to walk to class and I preferred to lay in bed all day and watch movies with my roommate, and when that was ok.

Can I get a rain check on life? It's not to see that I don't appreciate my life and what I have - because I most certainly do, I am the happiest I have ever been. I just want more. I need to figure out what it is that is lacking.

I've got love, a job, a family, a beautiful home, food on the table and a little extra play money for when I want to go shopping. I feel like my life is at a standstill, I'm not moving forward, but I'm not moving backward either.

I spent time today pulling weeds in the sad excuse we call a "garden". Really, it's horrendous. I don't know why the previous owner thought that rock gardens were a good idea, but...they're not. It was a really nice feeling, doing something productive and being outside. I even sat down last night and read a good book.

I need to take better advantage of the time I have to be productive, and also to enjoy my downtime.

I need a cocktail, and some more friends in the area to have them with. I've never had a lot of friends, but I've been living in Massachusetts for over a year now, and it's about time I make some friends.

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