Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Gotta love it...

So, I took 3 weeks off from running due to various excuses such as travel for work, having a cold, and some foot issues I've been having randomly (with zero explanation). But let's be honest, they're all excuses!

Yesterday I went running in the 25* F weather and was not really excited about it, literally felt like I needed to drag my bottom out of bed. So I get out there, just thinking ok, let's just see how I do, not going to put any set times on myself to run, just going to see where I'm at after my break. Much to my surprise, I was able to run LONGER than I was able to before my break. Now, keep in mind, I am no marathoner (yet!) and I started out running no more than 60 seconds at a time, and no I'm not joking. Yesterday I ran for 5 minutes straight, took a quick walk break and then ran for another 7 minutes straight. I was so proud of myself, haha. How pathetic.

Later that night I went to hip-hop class, and am now regrettably very achy and sore. But hey, I enjoyed both the run and dance it was worth it. Anyway, just an update to keep me on my toes. Looking forward to my run tomorrow.

93 days until I run my first 5k.

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