Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Week 4

Well, so here we have arrived at week 4 of my training for my first 5K. Now, keep in mind I am not running until March 31st, but I have to say, today's run was a doozie. However pathetic that may sound, it's not an easy task when you've literally never run before except in gym class. Call me lazy, but what counts is that I'm doing it now.

So this week I'm alternating: 5 minute warm up, 3 minute run, 1:30 walk, 5 minute run, 2:30 walk, 3 minute run, 1:30 walk, and then lastly another 5 minute run, and 5 minute cooldown. I thought that this task would be easier, but my ass, was kicked today, but the same run on Monday, was not bad, which makes no sense because I was running the same amount of time. Go figure.

Needless to say, I will be repeating this week, because in week 5, I will need to be running for 20 minutes straight, and even in my just barely hilly neighborhood, I'm not sure that I can do that.

I've been reading tons of blogs and websites about running, training, how to fuel your body, etc etc and I have found some really good sources for motivation and suggestions for n00b runners like myself. I need to keep my motivation and my spirits up. Otherwise, I will not be able to complete anything.

And mark my words, I will run the entire way through that 5K, even if it takes me a week to do it.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you're doing wonderfully though Megs :) I'm proud of you girl!

